About acupuncture
Acupuncture offers a gentle yet powerful way to support health and well-being.
In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Qi is the energy that ignites all processes in the body ~ Qi is life! It travels in the body through meridians, or channels. Acupuncture is about understanding the root of illness and disharmony in the body and tapping into our energy source and flow. When pain and illness occur, our Qi becomes blocked or stagnant. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body to restore Qi flow, unlocking our body’s natural healing processes. The needles also connect with the fascial network, which acts as an internal messenger system in our bodies.
This empowering system of preventative medicine believes in finding the underlying root cause of health concerns and treating the whole of an individual rather than symptoms alone. It recognises that body, mind, and spirit are made up of the same five elements found in nature, and that our health and wellbeing are dependent on them co-existing in balance and harmony.
As well as a tool to maintain general wellbeing, acupuncture is commonly used to treat stress, anxiety, mental health, digestive issues, headaches, arthritis, back pain, irregular menstruation, fertility, insomnia and more.
A holistic approach means that treatment is completely bespoke to each patient. In addition to needling, I may use moxa, gua sha or cupping to treat each person based on their individual needs.
How many treatments you’ll need depends on your symptoms, how long you’ve had them and other health factors. Treatment tends to be weekly to start and can then be spaced out as your body responds. Mostly a difference is felt after the first or second treatment and sustained with additional treatment.
After treatment you're likely to feel calm and relaxed. Acupuncture has very few side effects and they’re usually mild. Tiredness, a slight headache, feeling lightheaded, or aggravation of a condition (generally short-lived) all show your body is responding positively. You may feel a little tired or sleepy so, if you can, follow with a relatively quiet day, especially after your first treatment.
You're likely to feel more like yourself, sleep better, have more energy, feel more joy and be able to cope with life's ups and downs with greater confidence.